The indiscriminate target group: Population of the Maldives
Demographic target groups, are less relevant, when considering communication to mitigate natural disasters.
The relationship between Capacity development and Target audience. How to create participation and involvement.
Bottom - up approach was researched to enable the population to get involve and become active in the development & implementation of the Communication plan
The difference between the two model analyized.
How risk is regionally specific and hence communcation in regards to disaster awareness and behavioral change requires regionally differentiated actions and mediums
Communication Strategy development. How vulnerable groups and target audience, becomes the capacities, and responsible for their own safety.
Communication strategy developed to consider self reliance, the target becomes the capacities.
Conventional marketing models, requires the target audience to be play a very passive role
Transformation, that teh communication strategy will implement will help, social and physical Vulnerabilities becomes capacities.
Transformation, that teh communication strategy will implement will help, social and physical Vulnerabilities becomes capacities.
The development of the communication plan, taking into consideration the communication strategy.
The model which illustrate the transformation that will occur, socially within different phases of the communication plan
Examples of posters that would be developed in the initial phase, to educate target audience of the problem faced
Examples of posters that would be developed in the initial phase, to educate target audience of the problem faced
Examples of posters that would be developed in the initial phase, to educate target audience of the problem faced
The structure for the development of a compilation of songs as part of the communication campaign phase 1, stage (b), which is to "stimulate interest".
Examples of Symbols that would be used to identiy different capacities and resources that would be developed as part of the campaign, to enable the island to build capacity and create awareness of those capacities.
Different existing physical spaces and infrastructures within the island, will have distinctive roles, which they will play at different times, depending which phase of the disaster it is in, i.e. mitigation, response and recovery.
t-Shirts that would be developed to identify capacities
The incorporation of the communication strategy and communication criteria to develop the communication plan
The logo was devised as a tool that would be educational, and act as mechanism to create awareness.
Example of a calendar developed as part of the communication campaign
Circular annual calendar which utilize 10years of existing data to show patterns in weather variation throughout the year.
Signage of naturally significant spaces on islands is an important component of the communication campaign 2nd phase, "Creating network of capacities"
Island/ regional/ national level newsletter enables different capacity groups to communicate and share information between themslves and regionally, enabling collaboration and resource sharing at different stages of a disaster.
Signage will be placed on homes to enable inhabitants to identify where resources are available.
Each island will have a map, which identifies location of different capacities and important spaces identified by different capacity groups.
The ferrys from different island will also have the available capacities advertised on the ship.
Sms of island information using GPS location will also be part of the communication campaign.
The document outlines the social marketing plan for public awareness campaign for disaster risk reduction, response action, mitigation & early warning in the Maldives. The objective is to design a campaign to enable the population of Maldives to be informed, knowledgeable, and aware of the hazards they face and vulnerabilities that exists within their own community, to enable them to utilize resources, which are accessible to them, to prepare, respond and recover from natural disasters, personally and as a community
During the development of the plan we took into consideration how we could try and revitalize as well as utilize the indigenous beliefs and knowledge and practices which helped our ancestors to live harmoniously with our environment, as well as incorporating within the plan a sustainable infrastructure to continually enable the public to be aware and prepared and avoid livelihood practices that increase their vulnerabilities to an impending disaster.